Apr 30, 2012

Kisses, Jelly Beans and Rock n Roll

As a parent, it feels important to find a good balance between encouraging your child to take activities such as art, dance or sports to tickle their imagination and have them create in whatever form they like the most, at the same time as you want to make sure it is all a game on the child's terms. This is the rational approach. 

And there is of course an exception. 

In my case it is music. Not having much of a conversation here. Her options of liking music range from 'yes' to 'no', but 'no' does not count. Music is already a component in Miss Cupcake's life that she has luckily embraced. She jams around the house, has already done the music festival with flowers in her hair, and founded a girl punk band.

So this is someone you can trust on taking classes on the heaviest of heavy rock artilleries - the drums. 

1. It is all about the attitude. Go crazy!
2. Don't worry if the stick comes to live and continue to move after you stop to drum. Makes you save energy.
3. This might be rock n roll, but no need to be stupid. Think safety. Think protective gear.
4. Ignore the crazy person screaming 'rock n roll' all the time. Fans can be a pain in the ass.
5. Always finish the session throwing the drum stick to the fans. Some lucky soul might catch it and save it like a treasure... 

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