Apr 2, 2012

Next up Clinton?

There are certain things you simply don't expect. Not in a million years. Or dare I say a billion. For example, imagine in your head, a normal Sunday with the sun shining, you decide to take a certain cupcake to the park and you go through the normal routine; some swinging, some monkey bars, some 'borrowing' other kids sand toys to top if off with some serious slide action. 

So Miss Cupcake has already warmed up and is in 'go' position, and I am about to sit down when I see a man standing in the way with a kid. 

Hmm, he looks familiar. A 'cartoon character mixed with Richard Nixon' familiar. 

Than it strikes me. It looks like Gordon Brown (yes, that Gordon Brown). No, wait a minute. It IS Gordon Brown. The hilarious part was not so much seeing him. The hilarious part was the body guards trying to look like they just happened to be there; two men in dark shades standing always five feet behind him, with the genius idea of wearing matching suits and shirts to mix in better with the crowd.

My old heart could not handle much more action that day, but there was more to come. Back home, I was in the kitchen doing something extremely important and left Miss Cupcake with her pal 'Curious George'. When I come back, she has gone to my bag, opened the zipper of the small pocket inside, grabbed my earbuds and connected them to the computer to be able to sit down in peace to enjoy the cartoons. 

My fault in the end I assume. I was probably making too much noise in the kitchen. 

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