Jan 26, 2011

I am like a good wine

Yes, today is my birthday, thirty-something, because who cares, it does not really matter, right? What matter is growing up, not growing old! Let's party like it is 1999, out with the champagne, look, I am jumping like I was ten years younger!! Wait... ohh, my back... need to sit down... champagne makes my head hurt... music is too loud... I'm tired, need to go to bed...

Where was I? Ahh, yes, the joy of getting older. My girls treated me like an authentic king today, with crowns included, fine cuisine and presents, including clothes for work (thanks mother-in-law and aunts/grandma!), kit to make the office space more lively including mouse pad and cup (thanks Ana!) and an authentic Leah (modern art, will be worth millions), some great shoes and a wine notebook to scribble down the name of the wine before you drink too much and forget the name (thanks Silvia!).

My sister also sent this great poster to make me feel like home. Västerbotten is the province of Sweden I am from, and the picture really captures the spirit of the nature (it also reminds me of the design of a Swedish beer brand...) and the 50's design fits perfect in out living room, and looking at it makes me feel just the perfect amount of homesick.

P.s Some people have complained about it being difficult to post comments on the blog, that should be fixed by now. So don't just sit there, post comments!!!


  1. ¡Viejuno! Qué cumple más guay has tenido. Muchos besos medelios desde este Madrid que os echa de menos.

  2. Me alegro mucho de que tuvieses un buen día y te gustasen los regalitos :) una lástima no haber podido estar allí con vosotros para celebrarlo...
    Pero... que no se relajen tus orejas!! que ya iré por allí :P
    ¡¡Un beso!!
