Dec 24, 2011

Miss Cupcake 2.0

You have all been planning for months; what to eat, what to wear and what gifts to buy. Yes I am of course talking about Miss Cupcake's second birthday. And even though they say that the first version is always the best one, the sequel was a success. It did have some similarities though.

That the parents were more nervous than the birthday child and ended up waking her up as they could not take the tension anymore for example. Or that the day included a visit to the amusement park, I mean the airport, where you can ride the train and go up and down the escalator, and also pick up the grandparents.

What I love is that it seems like she realized it was a special day, and it was her day. We had prepared her birthday cupcake (what else?!?) in the kitchen with two candles. She walked in, and we started singing 'Happy Birthday'. At that moment, she looked at me saying 'birthday', 'Leah', like saying, wow, this is my birthday! It was so exiting that we had to blow out the candles three times. 

The morning only included one present, but a very special one (thanks Pablo and Elia!), as the grandparents were coming later with a container of stuff. So we sang, blowed out the candles, had our birthday cupcake and read our birthday book. Twice. 

Happy Birthday Miss Cupcake!!


  1. Me la como!! Leah me tiene conquistada... Hace 2 años que gané el concurso ¡¡Merci, Leha!! Un besazo muy fuerte para los tres y dale un abrazo a Silvia. Ah! y feliz navidad!!

  2. Felix navidad tambien Wendy!!

    Un boes!
