Aug 6, 2013

Character Building Love

Having a sibling is a never ending source of material for 'build your character' help books. My case is obviously not any different. My dear sister introduced me to fun around the clock with games such as 'who can give most candy to the other' (I won) and 'how fast can you run after what I need' (always the same answer; faster than last time). Character building was the name.

You talk about how you understand what love really is when you have kids, because you had no idea you could love someone so much. Looking at Miss Cupcake and Mr Bear, the same thing happens; it is amazing to see how much they love each other already. Mr Bear will pay 100% focus on his big sister whenever she is in the room, and no one can make him laugh as she cans. And whenever Mr Bear is crying in the arms of an adult, Miss Cupcake is sure to scream across the room that 'you are making my baby brother sad!'.

So everything is love and kisses? Obviously not. It is character building love. A simple example; look at this picture.

How cute! Sleeping together with the bear between them, Mr Bear gently caressing the cheek of his sister. In reality, thirty seconds before Miss Cupcake was screaming at the top of her lungs 'he is squishing me!' while the left arm of Mr Bear started going like a windmill striking Miss Cupcake three times before landing softly on her cheek, and amazingly they fell asleep - at the same time. 

Siblings. Character building love.  

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